
Showing posts from January, 2023

Union and its Territories

  UNION AND ITS TERRITORIES Schedule Ⅰ ‒ Article 1 to 4 1. Article 1 ‒ Name and Territory of the Union 2. Article 2 ‒ Admission or Establishment of new states    [ Article 2A ‒ Sikkim to be associated with the Union (Repealed)] 3. Article 3 ‒ Formation of new states and alteration of areas, boundaries or names of existing states 4. Article 4 ‒ Laws made under Articles 2 and 3 to provide for the amendment of the First and Fourth schedules and supplemental, incidental and consequential maters   Article 1 : Name and Territory of the Union It deals with the name and territory of the Union. For choosing the name of the country there was no unanimity prevailed in the constituent assembly. Some members suggested the traditional name ‘Bharat’ while others suggested the modern name ‘India’. Hence the constituent assembly had decided to adopt a mix of both―‘India, that is, Bharat’. ➣Article 1 describes India―‘Union of States’ rather than a ‘Federation of States’ and it deals with name of the cou